125 research outputs found

    Niveaux d’explicitation en mathématiques chez des étudiants universitaires

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    Cet article propose un modèle par niveau des efforts d’explicitation qui peuvent être mis à contribution dans l’apprentissage des mathématiques. L’analyse des liens entre la formation fondamentale et les effets observés dans l’application des mathématiques a mis en évidence l’importance d’un tel travail d’explicitation. En effet, ceux qui font montre de compétences supérieures dans l’application des mathématiques investissent davantage, et de façon personnelle et autonome, dans l’explicitation des contenus d’apprentissage : lecture, questionnement, argumentation, utilisation des définitions, réécriture du cours, confection de résumés, tableaux de synthèse, etc. Il ressort de cette étude que le travail d’explicitation dans l’apprentissage des mathématiques doit non seulement favoriser la compréhension du sens, mais aussi viser la structuration des concepts mathématiques.This article proposes a model based on the level of explanatory processes that can be used in learning mathematics. An analysis of the relation between formal and pre-university training and the results observed in applying mathematics demonstrated the importance of explanatory work. It was found that those with higher competencies in applying mathematics showed greater engagement, considered as being more of a personal and autonomous nature, in explaining the learning content : reading, questioning, developing arguments, using definitions, re-writing course notes, developing summaries, developing tables to show synthesis, etc. This study shows that explanatory activities in learning mathematics should not only facilitate understanding but also develop mathematical concept structures.Este artículo propone un modelo por nivel de los esfuerzos de explicitación que pueden contribuir al aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El análisis de los nexos entre la formación fundamental y los efectos observados en la aplicación de las matemáticas hizo resaltar la importancia de tal trabajo de explicitación. En efecto, los que demuestran competencias superiores en la aplicación de las matemáticas se involucran más, y de manera personal y autónoma, en la explicitación de los contenidos de aprendizaje : lectura, cuestionamiento, argumentación, utlización de las definiciones, reescritura de los apuntes de clase, realización de resúmenes y de cuadros síntesis, etc. Se destaca de este estudio que el trabajo de explicitación en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas no sólo debe fomentar la comprensión del significado, sino también tender a la estructuración de conceptos matemáticos.In diesem Artikel wird ein Modell für die verschiedenen Erklärungsniveaus vorgelegt, die im Mathematikunterricht verwendet werden. Die Analyse der Beziehungen zwischen der Grundausbildung und der bei der Anwendung der Mathematik erzielten Erfolge hat die Wichtigkeit einer solchen Erklärungsarbeit deutlich gemacht. Diejenigen Lehrkräfte, die über eine erweiterte Ausbildung auf dem Gebiet der Mathematik verfügen, legen mehr Gewicht auf eine klare Erläuterung der Lehrinhalte, was sie durch persönliche und selbstständige Initiativen erreichen. Die dabei verwendeten Formen sind : Lektüre, Fragen stellen, diskutieren, Verwendung von Definitionen, Umformulierung des Kurstextes, Anfertigung von Resümees, Übersichtstabellen, usw. Aus der Untersuchung ergibt sich, dass die Erklärungsarbeit beim Erlernen der Mathematik nicht nur das Sinnverständnis, sondern auch die Neustrukturierung mathematischer Konzepte fördern soll

    Effets de la formation fondamentale sur les compétences d'étudiants universitaires dans la résolution de problèmes de mathématiques appliquées

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Designing small multiple-target artificial RNAs

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are naturally occurring small RNAs that regulate the expression of several genes. MiRNAs’ targeting rules are based on sequence complementarity between their mature products and targeted genes’ mRNAs. Based on our present understanding of those rules, we developed an algorithm to design artificial miRNAs to target simultaneously a set of predetermined genes. To validate in silico our algorithm, we tested different sets of genes known to be targeted by a single miRNA. The algorithm finds the seed of the corresponding miRNA among the solutions, which also include the seeds of new artificial miRNA sequences potentially capable of targeting these genes as well. We also validated the functionality of some artificial miRNAs designed to target simultaneously members of the E2F family. These artificial miRNAs reproduced the effects of E2Fs inhibition in both normal human fibroblasts and prostate cancer cells where they inhibited cell proliferation and induced cellular senescence. We conclude that the current miRNA targeting rules based on the seed sequence work to design multiple-target artificial miRNAs. This approach may find applications in both research and therapeutics

    Collaborating with consumer and community representatives in health and medical research in Australia: results from an evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To collaborate with consumer and community representatives in the <it>Alcohol and Pregnancy Project </it>from 2006-2008 <url>http://www.ichr.uwa.edu.au/alcoholandpregnancy</url> and evaluate researchers' and consumer and community representatives' perceptions of the process, context and impact of consumer and community participation in the project.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We formed two reference groups and sought consumer and community representatives' perspectives on all aspects of the project over a three year period. We developed an evaluation framework and asked consumer and community representatives and researchers to complete a self-administered questionnaire at the end of the project.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifteen researchers (93.8%) and seven (53.8%) consumer and community representatives completed a questionnaire. Most consumer and community representatives agreed that the process and context measures of their participation had been achieved. Both researchers and consumer and community representatives identified areas for improvement and offered suggestions how these could be improved for future research. Researchers thought consumer and community participation contributed to project outputs and outcomes by enhancing scientific and ethical standards, providing legitimacy and authority, and increasing the project's credibility and participation. They saw it was fundamental to the research process and acknowledged consumer and community representatives for their excellent contribution. Consumer and community representatives were able to directly influence decisions about the research. They thought that consumer and community participation had significant influence on the success of project outputs and outcomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Consumer and community participation is an essential component of good research practice and contributed to the <it>Alcohol and Pregnancy Project </it>by enhancing research processes, outputs and outcomes, and this participation was valued by community and consumer representatives and researchers. The National Health and Medical Research Council in Australia expects researchers to work in partnership and involve consumer and community representatives in health and medical research, and to evaluate community and consumer participation. It is important to demonstrate whether consumer and community participation makes a difference to health and medical research.</p

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